Desarrollo de tecnologías de microalgas para una economía circular (ALGATEC-CM)
Funding : Comunidad de Madrid (P2018/BAA-4532)
Start / End Years : 2019 - 2022
Principal Investigator : Bautista Santa Cruz, Luis Fernando
Research Team : - Aguila Carricondo, Mª Pilar - Bautista Santa Cruz, Luis Fernando - Megía Hervás, Irene - Montero Hidalgo, Miriam - Morales Pérez, Victoria - Morón Asensio, Rubén - Piera Ruiz, Alejandro - Rodríguez Escudero, Rosalía - Sánchez Laso, Jennifer - Sánchez-Bayo Alvarez, Alejandra - Simarro Doblado, Raquel - Vicente Crespo, Gemma
Producción de bioaceite e hidrogeno a partir de microalgas mediante procesos de licuefacción hidrotérmica y reformado con vapor en reactores de membrana
Funding : Ministerio de economía y competitividad (ENE2017-83696-R)
Start / End Years : 2018 - 2020
Principal Investigator : Calles Martín, José Antonio y Carrero Fernández, Alicia
Research Team : - Alique Amor, David - Calles Martín, José Antonio - Carrero Fernández, Alicia - Martínez Díaz, David - Sanz Villanueva, Daniel - Vicente Crespo, Gemma - Vizcaíno Madridejos, Arturo J.Show summary:
The controversy generated by the use of agricultural edible crops for energetic applications has increased the interest of microalgae for biofuels production. Microalgae do not need large fields for its cultivation and can grow quickly. Microalgae are a renewable, sustainable and non-polluting feedstock that contribute to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions because they use CO2 in their growth. For these reasons, the overall aim of this project is the sustainable production of hydrogen and bio-oil from microalgae.
The microalgae hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) requires lower temperatures than pyrolysis and high pressures to maintain liquid water. This is an advantage because a highly energy demand step like microalgae drying is not needed in liquefaction with the subsequent cost saving. Based on the previous results achieved by the research group (CTQ2013-44447-R project) the bio-oil obtained from one step HTL contains high oxygen (10-20 %) and nitrogen (1-8 %) amounts which are responsible of bio-oil low stability and also of the NOx emissions during bio-oil combustion. To solve these problems, a two-step HTL process is planned in this project. The first step is carried out at low temperature (T< 200 ºC) and provides an aqueous stream by decomposition of proteins and short chain carbohydrates. Next, the solid fraction undergoes a second stage of HTL at higher temperature (T = 250-350°C) with the aim of achieving a bio-oil with low content of nitrogen and oxygen. The second stage of liquefaction also produces a gas stream mainly containing carbon dioxide that may be recirculated to the cultivation of the microalgae.
The aqueous fractions from both stages of liquefaction can be revalued through the production of high purity hydrogen by catalytic steam reforming in a membrane reactor. Hydrogen can be used as fuel using conventional technologies (combustion engines) or in development ones (fuel cells). Additionally in this project, oxidative steam reforming reactions will be done in order to reduce the energy needs of the process and to avoid catalysts deactivation by coke deposition.
From the environmental point of view, the project will use tools like the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) to assess the emissions and energy balances, checking that they conform to a model of sustainable development.
Análisis ambiental, energético y económico de la producción de biocombustibles Avanzados a partir de microalgas
Funding : Comunidad de Madrid. Convocatoria de Ayudas para la Realización de Doctorados Industriales en la Comunidad de Madrid (2017) ()
Start / End Years : 2018 - 2020
Principal Investigator : Vicente Crespo, Gemma
Research Team : - Megía Hervás, Irene - Vicente Crespo, Gemma
Aplicaciones industriales de la espirulina (INSPIRA1)
Funding : Comunidad de Madrid ()
Start / End Years : 2014 - 2018
Principal Investigator : Dufour Andía, Javier
Research Team : - Bautista Santa Cruz, Luis Fernando - Dufour Andía, Javier - Espada Sanjurjo, Juan José - Moreno Vozmediano, Jovita - Rodríguez Escudero, Rosalía - Sánchez-Bayo Alvarez, Alejandra - Vicente Crespo, Gemma
Producción de hidrógeno y combustibles líquidos mediante procesos termoquímicos a partir de microalgas
Funding : Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CTQ2013-44447-R)
Start / End Years : 2014 - 2016
Principal Investigator : Calles Martín, José Antonio y Carrero Fernández, Alicia
Research Team : - Alique Amor, David - Calles Martín, José Antonio - Carrero Fernández, Alicia - Espada Sanjurjo, Juan José - Furones Martínez, Laura - García Moreno, Lourdes - Lameiro Antón, Alfredo - Martínez del Monte, Daniel - Martos Sánchez, Carmen - Mendoza Sevilla, Alvaro - Monge Gutiérrez, Jacinto - Vicente Crespo, Gemma - Vizcaíno Madridejos, Arturo J.
Obtención de biodiésel a partir de microalgas y etanol mediante enzimas soportadas en soportes mesoestructurados
Funding : Universidad Rey Juan Carlos ()
Start / End Years : 2013 - 2014
Principal Investigator : Morales Pérez, Victoria
Research Team : - Bautista Santa Cruz, Luis Fernando - Mendoza Sevilla, Alvaro - Morales Pérez, Victoria - Rodríguez Escudero, Rosalía - Vicente Crespo, Gemma
Producción de combustibles limpios para transporte a partir de residuos agroforestales y oleaginosos (RESTOENE).
Funding : Comunidad de Madrid; Programa de Investigación entre Grupos (S2009/ENE- 17 43)
Start / End Years : 2010 - 2013
Principal Investigator : Melero Hernández, Juan Antonio
Research Team : - Bautista Santa Cruz, Luis Fernando - Calles Martín, José Antonio - Carrero Fernández, Alicia - Dufour Andía, Javier - Iglesias Morán, José - Lindo Marcos, Montaña - Melero Hernández, Juan Antonio - Ruiz Navarro, Aida - Sánchez Vázquez, Rebeca - Vicente Crespo, Gemma - Vizcaíno Madridejos, Arturo J.
Intensificación del proceso de producción de biodiésel mediante el diseño de catalizadores ácidos heterogéneos.
Funding : Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia ()
Start / End Years : 2009 - 2011
Principal Investigator : Melero Hernández, Juan Antonio
Research Team : - Bautista Santa Cruz, Luis Fernando - Iglesias Morán, José - Melero Hernández, Juan Antonio - Morales Sánchez, Gabriel - Paniagua Martín, Marta - Sánchez Vázquez, Rebeca - Vicente Crespo, Gemma
Preparación de catalizadores bifuncionales formados por nanopartículas de Ni soportadas sobre zeolita Beta con porosidad jerarquizada
Funding : Comunidad de Madrid-Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC-CM-2010-CET-5450)
Start / End Years : 2011 - 2011
Principal Investigator : Escola Sáez, José María
Research Team : - Briones Gil, Laura - Escola Sáez, José María - García Sánchez, Alicia - Peral Yuste, Angel - Vicente Crespo, Gemma
Mejora de las propiedades texturales de materiales zeolíticos para su aplicación como catalizadores en reacciones limitadas por impedimentos estéricos y difusionales.
Funding : Ministerio de Eduación y Ciencia ()
Start / End Years : 2006 - 2008
Principal Investigator : Serrano Granados, David P.
Research Team : - Aguado Alonso, José - García Sánchez, Alicia - Moreno García, Inés - Peral Yuste, Angel - Rodríguez Escudero, Rosalía - Sanz Martín, Raúl - Serrano Granados, David P. - Vicente Crespo, Gemma
Desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de caracterización espectroscópicas de poliolefinas.
Funding : Comunidad de Madrid / Universidad Rey Juan Carlos ()
Start / End Years : 2005 - 2006
Principal Investigator : Coto García, Baudilio
Research Team : - Carrero Fernández, Alicia - Coto García, Baudilio - Escola Sáez, José María - Moreno Vozmediano, Jovita - Paredes Martínez, Beatriz - Suárez Muñoz, Inmaculada - Vicente Crespo, Gemma
Biocrude from Nannochloropsis gaditana by hydrothermal liquefaction: An experimental design approach
Sánchez-Bayo, A.; Megía Hervás, I.; Rodríguez, R.; Morales, V.; Bautista, L. F.; Vicente, G.
- Applied Sciences, 11, 4337 (2021)
- doi:10.3390/app11104337
Biodiesel and biogas production from Isochrysis galbana using dry and wet lipid extraction: A biorefinery approach
Sánchez-Bayo, A.; López-Chicarro, D.; Morales, V.; Espada, J. J. Puyol, D.; Martínez, F.; Astals, S.; Vicente, G.; Bautista, L. F.; Rodríguez, R.
- Renewable Energy, 146, 188-195 (2020)
- doi:10.1016/j.renene.2019.06.148
Mild hydrothermal pretreatment of microalgae for the production of biocrude with a low N and O content
Montero-Hidalgo, M.; Espada, J. J.; Rodríguez, R.; Morales, V.; Bautista, L. F.; Vicente, G.
- Processes, 7, 630 (2019)
- doi:10.3390/pr7090630
Environmental and techno-economic evaluation of B-carotene production from Dunaliella salina. A biorefinery approach
Espada, J. J.; Pérez-Antolín, D.; Vicente, G.; Bautista, L. F.; Morales, V.; Rodríguez, R.
- Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 1-12 (2019)
- doi:10.1002/bbb.2012
Biodiesel production (FAEEs) by heterogeneous Combi-Lipase biocatalysts using wet extracted lipids from microalgae
Sánchez-Bayo, A.; Morales, V.; Rodríguez, R.; Vicente, G.; Bautista, L. F.
- Catalysts, 9 (296), 1-15 (2019)
- doi:10.3390/catal9030296
Heterogeneous-catalysed direct transformation of microalga biomass into Biodiesel-Grade FAMEs
Vicente, G., Carrero, A., Rodríguez, R., del Peso, G. L.
- Fuel, 200, 590-598 (2017)
- doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2017.04.006
Efficient production of Triacetin from Glycerol over Arenesulfonic acid-modified SBA-15 catalyst
Morales, G.; Paniagua, M.; Melero, J. A.; Vicente, G.
- Chemical Engineering, 1, 36-42 (2016)
Remarkable catalytic properties of hierarchica zeolite-Beta in the epoxide rearrangement reactions
García-Muñoz, R. A.; Serrano, D. P.; Vicente, G.; Linares, M.; Vitvorova, D.; Cejka, J.
- Catalysis Today, 243, 141-152 (2015)
- doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2014.09.014
Opportunities for Nannochloropsis gaditana biomass through the isolation of its components and biodiesel production
Mendoza, A.; Vicente, G.; Bautista, L. F.; Morales, V.
- Green Processing and Synthesis, 4 (2), 97-102 (2015)
- doi:10.1515/gps-2014-0094
Enzymatic production of biodiesel from Nannochloropsis gaditana microalgae using immobilized lipases in mesoporous materials
Bautista, L. F.; Vicente, G.; Mendoza, A.; González, S.; Morales, V.
- Energy & Fuels, 28(8), 4981-4989 (2015)
- doi:10.1021/ef502838h
Synthesis of fatty acids methyl esters (FAMEs) from Nannochloropsis gaditana microalga using heterogeneous acid catalysts
Carrero, A.; Vicente, G.; Rodríguez, R.; del Peso, G. L.; Santos, C
- Biochemical Engineering Journal, 97, 119-124 (2015)
- doi:10.1016/j.bej.2015.02.003
Liquid-Liquid phase equilibria for Soybean Oil Methanololysis: Experimental, modeling, and data prediction
Casas, A.; Rodríguez, J. F.; del Peso, G. L.; Rodríguez, R.; Vicente, G.; Carrero, A.
- Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 53, 3731-3736 (2014)
- doi:10.1021/ie403927c
Sulfonic Acid-Functionalized Catalysts for the Valorization of Glycerol via Transesterification with Methyl Acetate
Morales, G.; Paniagua, M.; Melero, J. A.; Vicente, G.; Ochoa, C.
- Industrial & Engineering Chemical Research, 50, 58985906 (2011)
- doi:10.1021/ie102357c
Acidic and catalytic properties of hierarchical zeolites and hybrid ordered mesoporous materials assembled from MFI protozeolitic units
Serrano, D. P.; García, R. A.; Vicente, G.; Linares, M.; Procházková, D.; Cejka, J.
- Journal of Catalysis, 279 (2), 366-380 (2011)
- doi:doi:10.1016/j.jcat.2011.02.007
Hierarchical zeolites as catalysts for biodiesel production from Nannochloropsis microalga oil
Carrero, A.; Vicente, G.; Rodríguez, R.; Linares, M.; del Peso, G. L.
- Catalysis Today, 167 (1), 148-153 (2011)
- doi:doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2010.11.058
Etherification of biodiesel-derived glycerol with ethanol for fuel formulation over sulfonic modified catalysts
Melero, J. A.; Vicente, G.; Paniagua, M.; Morales, G.; Muñoz, P.
- Bioresource Technology, 103, 141-151 (2011)
- doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2011.09.105
- Link to the Open Institutional Repository BURJC-DIGITAL
The conversion of low grade tallow into biodiesel-grade methyl ester
Fröhlich, A.; Rice, B.; Vicente, G.
- Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 87(7), 825-833 (2010)
- doi:10.1007/s11746-010-1561-6
Direct transformation of fungal biomass from submerged cultures into biodiesel
Vicente, G.; Bautista; L.F.; Gutiérrez, F. J.; Rodríguez, R.; Martínez, V.; Rodríguez-Frómeta, R. A.; Ruiz-Vazquez, R. M.; Torres-Martínez, S.; Garre, V.
- Energy & Fuels, 24(5), 3173-3178 (2010)
- doi:10.1021/ef9015872
Oxygenated compounds derived from glycerol for biodiesel formulation: Influence on EN 14214 quality parameters
Melero, J. A.; Vicente G.; Morales, G.; Paniagua, M.; Bustamante, J.
- Fuel, 89, 2011-2018 (2010)
- doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2010.03.042
- Link to the Open Institutional Repository BURJC-DIGITAL
Acetalisation of bio-glycerol with acetone to produce solketal over sulfonic mesostructured silicas
Vicente, G.; Melero, J. A.; Morales, G.; Paniagua, M.; Martín E.
- Green Chemistry, 12, 899-907 (2010)
- doi:10.1039/b923681c
Biodiesel production from biomass of an oleaginous fungus
Vicente, G.; Bautista, L. F.; Rodríguez, R.; Gutiérrez, J.; Sádaba, I.; Ruiz-Vázquez, R. M.; Torres-Martínez, S.; Garre V.
- Biochemical Engineering Journal, 48 (2009), 22-27 (2009)
- doi:10.1016/j.bej.2009.07.014
HDPE chemical recycling promoted by phenol solvent
Vicente, G.; Aguado, J.; Serrano, D. P.; Sánchez, N.
- Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 85, 366-371 (2009)
- doi:10.1016/j.jaap.2008.10.007
Optimisation of FAME production from waste cooking oil for biodiesel use
Bautista, L. F.; Vicente, G.; Rodríguez, R.; Pacheco, M.
- Biomass and Bioenergy, 33, 862-872 (2009)
- doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2009.01.009
Catalytic activity of the beta zeolite with enhanced textural properties in the Friedel-Crafts acylation of aromatic compounds
García, R. A.; Serrano, D. P.; Vicente, G.; Otero, D.; Linares, M
- Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 174A, 1091-1094 (2008)
- Link to the Open Institutional Repository BURJC-DIGITAL
Acid-catalyzed etherification of bio-glycerol and isobutylene over sulfonic mesostructured silicas
Melero, J. A.; Vicente, G.; Morales, G.; Paniagua, M.; Moreno, J. M.; Roldán, R.; Ezquerro, A.; Pérez, C.
- Applied Catalysis A: General, 346 (1-2), 44-51 (2008)
- doi:10.1016/j.apcata.2008.04.041
- Link to the Open Institutional Repository BURJC-DIGITAL
Effect of hydrogen-donating solvents on the thermal degradation of HDPE
Aguado, J.; Serrano, D. P.; Vicente G.; Sánchez, N.
- Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 78 (1), 194-199 (2007)
Enhanced Production of alpha-Olefins by Thermal Degradation of High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) in Decalin Solvent: Effect of the Reaction Time and Temperature
Aguado, J.; Serrano, D.P.; Vicente, G.; Sánchez, N.
- Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 46 (11), 3497-3504 (2007)
Optimisation of integrated biodiesel production. Part I. A study of the biodiesel purity and yield
Vicente, G.; Martínez, M.; Aracil, J.
- Bioresource Technology, 98 (9), 1724-1733 (2007)
- doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2006.07.024
Optimisation of integrated biodiesel production. Part II: A study of the material balance
Vicente, G.; Martínez, M.; Aracil, J.
- Bioresource Technology, 98 (9), 1754-1761 (2007)
- doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2006.07.023
A comparative study of vegetable oils for biodiesel production in Spain
Vicente, G.; Martínez, M.; Aracil, J.
- Energy & Fuels, 20 (1), 394-398 (2006)
Kinetics of Brassica carinata oil methanolysis
Vicente, G.; Martínez, M.; Aracil, J.
- Energy & Fuels, 20 (4), 1722-1726 (2006)
Effect of Decalin Solvent on the Thermal Degradation of HDPE
Aguado, J.; Serrano, D. P.; Vicente, T.; Sánchez, N.
- Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 14 (4), 375-384 (2006)
Optimization of Brassica carinata oil methanolysis for biodiesel production
Vicente, G.; Martínez, M.; Aracil, J.
- Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 82(12), 899-904 (2005)
Kinetics of sunflower oil methanolysis
Vicente, G.; Martínez, M.; Aracil, J.; Esteban, A.
- Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44, 5447-5454 (2005)
Integrated biodiesel production: a comparison of different homogeneous catalysts systems
Vicente, G.; Martínez, M.; Aracil, J.
- Bioresource Technology, 92 (3), 297-305 (2004)
- doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2003.08.014
Biodiesel: Una alternativa al gasóleo mineral
Vicente, G.; Martínez, M.; Aracil, J.
- Ingeniera Qumica, 377(3),135-145 (2001)
The conversion of waste tallow into biodiesel grade methyl ester
Fröhlich, A.; Rice, B.; Vicente, G.
- 1st World Conference on Biomass for Energy and Industry. Proceedings of the Conference held in Sevilla, Spain (2000)
Application of the factorial design of experiments and response surface methodology to optimize biodiesel production
Vicente, G.; Coterón, A.; Martínez, M.; Aracil, J.
- Industrial Crops and Products, 8(1), 29-35 (1998)
Biodiesel Production from Vegetable Oils. Influence of Catalysts and Operating Conditions
Coterón, A.; Vicente, G.; Martínez, M.; Aracil, J.
- Recent Res. Developments in Oil Chemistry, 1, 109-114, Ed. S.G. Pandalai, Transworld Research Network (India) (1997)