Chemical and Environmental Engineering Group

University degree in Environmental Sciences at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) in 2022.
She carried out her internships in the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC) as part of the scientific dissemination program to promote the study and awareness of biodiversity conservation and different environmental education projects.
Her Final Degree Project was based on the study of the CO2 absorption capacity of different ionic liquids for its capture.
After finishing her degree, she travelled to Honduras for a month to carry out a URJC project based on the analysis of contaminated water by coliform bacteria, more concretely E.coli. Previously, during the last months of the degree, she carried out E.coli analysis in the university's laboratory. As well as to teach environmental education in different Honduran primary schools.
Nowadays, she is working on the study of the catalytic activity of ionic liquids in the reactivity of CO2 in the Department of Chemical, Energetic and Mechanical Technology of the URJC.