Graduated in Chemical Engineering from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) in 2011, he continued his education with a Master's in Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering at the same institution in 2012. In December 2012, he joined the Chemical Engineering section of the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) under the supervision of Prof. José Palomar. During his Ph.D., he focused his research on CO2 capture in ionic liquids (IL) and the development of new advanced materials based on IL. He adopted a multiscale approach, ranging from quantum chemical calculations for the theoretical design of systems, through laboratory-scale characterization, to the simulation of commercial processes for a realistic process-scale analysis of the studied systems. In 2016, he conducted a prominent research stay in Prof. Brennecke's group at the University of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA). After completing his Ph.D. in 2017, Dr. Moya carried out a postdoctoral year in Prof. Palomar's group, focusing his efforts on the conversion and valorization of CO2 through ILs. In September 2018, he started a postdoctoral stay in Prof. Coutinho's group at the University of Aveiro (Portugal), as part of a European FEDER project in collaboration with BOSCH for the development of absorption prototypes for indoor air purification. At the end of 2019, Dr. Moya returned to the Department of Chemical Engineering at UAM, joining the group led by Prof. Palomar, focusing on technology transfer from the group to the industry, actively participating in the development of collaboration projects with companies. In September 2022, he joined as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical, Energy, and Mechanical Technology at the Rey Juan Carlos University.