Revalorizacion De Diferentes Aguas Residuales Mediante Tecnologias Que Permitan Mejorar El Nexo Agua-Energia Renovable-Alimentos
Funding : Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2021-126400OB-C32)
Start / End Years : 2022 - 2025
Principal Investigator : López Muñoz, Mª José y Marugán Aguado, Javier
Research Team : - Arencibia Villagrá, Amaya - Casado Merino, Cintia - López Muñoz, Mª José - Martín Sómer, Miguel - Marugán Aguado, Javier - Pablos Carro, Cristina
Sustainable integrated approach to achieve CECs and PTEs removal from contaminated waters (SusWater)
Funding : Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación ()
Start / End Years : 2021 - 2025
Principal Investigator : López Muñoz, Mª José
Research Team : - Arencibia Villagrá, Amaya - Gómez Rodríguez, Mª Pilar - López Muñoz, Mª José - Plaza Morales, Jorge - Sanz Martín, Raúl - Sanz Pérez, Eloy S. - Villajos Espinosa, Beatriz
Tratamiento de aguas contaminadas con metales pesados mediante adsorción con materiales carbonosos obtenidos a partir de biomasa lignocelulósica
Funding : Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación ()
Start / End Years : 2022 - 2024
Principal Investigator : Arencibia Villagrá, Amaya y López Muñoz, Mª José
Research Team : - Arencibia Villagrá, Amaya - Gómez Pozuelo, Gema - Gómez Rodríguez, Mª Pilar - López Muñoz, Mª José - Plaza Morales, Jorge - Villajos Espinosa, Beatriz
Red Madrileña de tratamientos para la reutilización de aguas residuales y valorización de fangos
Funding : Comunidad de Madrid ()
Start / End Years : 2019 - 2021
Principal Investigator : Martínez Castillejo, Fernando y Melero Hernández, Juan Antonio
Research Team : - Arencibia Villagrá, Amaya - Cruz del Álamo, Ana - García Gil, Ángela - López Muñoz, Mª José - Martín Sómer, Miguel - Martínez Castillejo, Fernando - Melero Hernández, Juan Antonio - Mesones Bernal, Sandra - Pablos Carro, Cristina - Paredes Martínez, Beatriz - Pariente Castilla, Isabel - Plaza Morales, Jorge - Raez Tajuelo, Julia María - Segura Urraca, Yolanda
Integración de procesos fotocatalíticos y de adsorción para la eliminación de arsénico en aguas destinadas al consumo humano
Funding : Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (CTM2015-72910-EXP)
Start / End Years : 2017 - 2020
Principal Investigator : López Muñoz, Mª José
Research Team : - Arencibia Villagrá, Amaya - López Muñoz, Mª José - Marugán Aguado, Javier - Raez Tajuelo, Julia María
Red madrileña de tratamientos avanzados de aguas residuales
Funding : Comunidad de Madrid (S2013/MAE-2716)
Start / End Years : 2014 - 2018
Principal Investigator : Martínez Castillejo, Fernando
Research Team : - Casado Merino, Cintia - Cruz del Álamo, Ana - López Muñoz, Mª José - Martín Sómer, Miguel - Martínez Castillejo, Fernando
Tratamiento mediante procesos avanzados (fotocatálisis, adsorción y membranas) de arsénico y contaminantes emergentes en sistemas acuosos
Funding : Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación ()
Start / End Years : 2016 - 2018
Principal Investigator : López Muñoz, Mª José
Research Team : - Arencibia Villagrá, Amaya - Arsuaga Ferreras, Jesús María - López Muñoz, Mª José - Plaza Morales, Jorge - Raez Tajuelo, Julia María - Segura Urraca, Yolanda
Nuevos Materiales y Reactores Fotocataliticos para la Eliminacion de Microcontaminantes y Patógenos
Funding : Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad - Redes Temáticas (CTM2015-71054-REDT)
Start / End Years : 2016 - 2017
Principal Investigator : Marugán Aguado, Javier
Research Team : - Casado Merino, Cintia - López Muñoz, Mª José - Martín Sómer, Miguel - Marugán Aguado, Javier - Pablos Carro, Cristina
Integrated processes for monitoring and treatment of emerging contaminants for water reuse (MOTREM, Water JPI Pilot Call)
Funding : WATER JPI - Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad - Acciones de Programación Conjunta Internacional - (Water JPI JPIW2013-121)
Start / End Years : 2014 - 2017
Principal Investigator : Marugán Aguado, Javier
Research Team : - Casado Merino, Cintia - López Muñoz, Mª José - Martín Sómer, Miguel - Martínez Castillejo, Fernando - Marugán Aguado, Javier - Molina Gil, Raúl - Pablos Carro, Cristina - Pariente Castilla, Isabel - Segura Urraca, YolandaShow summary:
The MOTREM project is a Water JPI project that focuses on the development of integrated processes for monitoring and treatment of emerging contaminants (ECs), improving the efficiency of the removal of these pollutants in urban wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), especially for water reuse. The project aims to provide new technologies for water treatment and/or improving the existing ones through the development of integrated processes for monitoring and treatment of ECs in the current waterline of municipal wastewater treatment plants, especially focusing on the aspect of water reuse. For this goal, the project combines cross- and multi-disciplinary expertise on water treatment processes design and engineering, analytical chemistry and ecotoxicology applied to ECs that guarantee the generation not only on new scientific knowledge but also of innovative commercial solutions to the market.
Procesos fotocatalíticos y de adsorción para la eliminación de contaminantes preferentes (arsénico y cromo) en sistemas acuosos
Funding : Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CTM2012-34988)
Start / End Years : 2013 - 2016
Principal Investigator : López Muñoz, Mª José
Research Team : - Aguado Alonso, José - Arencibia Villagrá, Amaya - Arsuaga Ferreras, Jesús María - López Muñoz, Mª José - López Gutiérrez, María de la Salud - Pascual Juez, Raquel - Revilla González, Asunción - Segura Urraca, Yolanda
Red madrileña de tratamientos avanzados para aguas residuales con contaminantes no biodegradables (REMTAVARES) (S-2009/AMB/1588).
Funding : Comunidad de Madrid, Programa de Actividades de I+D entre Grupos de Investigación de la Comunidad de Madrid ()
Start / End Years : 2010 - 2013
Principal Investigator : van Grieken Salvador, Rafael
Research Team : - Aguado Alonso, José - Arencibia Villagrá, Amaya - Arsuaga Ferreras, Jesús María - López Gutiérrez, María de la Salud - López Muñoz, Mª José - Martínez Castillejo, Fernando - Pascual Juez, Raquel - Revilla González, Asunción - Sotto Díaz, Arcadio - van Grieken Salvador, Rafael
Utilización de procesos fotocatalíticos y de adsorción para el tratamiento de aguas residuales contaminadas con especies metálicas (CTM2009-08649).
Funding : Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (CTM2009-08649) ()
Start / End Years : 2010 - 2012
Principal Investigator : Aguado Alonso, José y López Muñoz, Mª José
Research Team : - Aguado Alonso, José - Arencibia Villagrá, Amaya - Arsuaga Ferreras, Jesús María - Cerro Gallego, Luis - López Muñoz, Mª José - López Gutiérrez, María de la Salud - Pascual Juez, Raquel - Revilla González, Asunción
Tratamiento y reutilización del agua residual para una gestión sostenible
Funding : Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia; Programa Consolider-Ingenio 2010 ()
Start / End Years : 2006 - 2012
Principal Investigator : van Grieken Salvador, Rafael
Research Team : - Aguado Alonso, José - Arsuaga Ferreras, Jesús María - López Muñoz, Mª José - Martínez Castillejo, Fernando - Marugán Aguado, Javier - Melero Hernández, Juan Antonio - Pablos Carro, Cristina - Pariente Castilla, Isabel - Segura Urraca, Yolanda - van Grieken Salvador, Rafael
Red madrileña de tratamientos avanzados para aguas residuales con contaminantes no biodegradables (REMTAVARES) (0505/AMB/0395).
Funding : Comunidad de Madrid, Programa de Investigación entre Grupos ()
Start / End Years : 2006 - 2009
Principal Investigator : Aguado Alonso, José
Research Team : - Aguado Alonso, José - Arencibia Villagrá, Amaya - Arsuaga Ferreras, Jesús María - López Muñoz, Mª José - Martínez Castillejo, Fernando - Melero Hernández, Juan Antonio - Molina Gil, Raúl - Pascual Juez, Raquel - Sotto Díaz, Arcadio - van Grieken Salvador, Rafael
Eliminación de contaminantes aromáticos en aguas residuales mediante procesos fenton fotocatalíticos.
Funding : Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia ()
Start / End Years : 2003 - 2006
Principal Investigator : Aguado Alonso, José
Research Team : - Aguado Alonso, José - Arsuaga Ferreras, Jesús María - López Muñoz, Mª José - Martínez Castillejo, Fernando - Marugán Aguado, Javier - Molina Gil, Raúl - Pizarro de Oro, Patricia - van Grieken Salvador, Rafael
Synergistic and antagonistic effects in the photoelectrocatalytic disinfection of water with TiO2 supported on activated carbon as a bipolar electrode in a novel 3D photoelectrochemical reactor
Mesones, S.; Mena, E.; López Muñoz, M. J.; Adán, C.; Marugán, J.
- Separation and Purification Technology, 247, 117002 (2020)
- doi:10.1016/j.seppur.2020.117002
Assessment of different iron species as activators of (S2O8) 2- and (HSO5)- for inactivation of wild bacteria strains
Rodríguez-Chueca, J.; Guerra-Rodríguez, S.; Raez, J. M.; López-Muñoz, M. J.; Rodríguez, E.
- Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 248, 54-61 (2019)
- doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2019.02.003
Life cycle assessment and techno-economic evaluation of alternatives for the treatment of wastewater in a chrome-plating industry
Rodríguez, R.; Espada, J. J.; Gallardo, M.; Molina, R.; López-Muñoz, M. J.
- Journal of Cleaner Production, 172, 2351-2362 (2018)
- doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.11.175
ß-galactosidase covalent immobilization over large-pore mesoporous silica supports for the production of high galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS)
González-Delgado, I.; Segura, Y.; Martín, A.; López-Muñoz, M. J.; Morales, G.
- Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 257, 51-61 (2018)
- doi:10.1016/j.micromeso.2017.08.020
Characterization and inmobilization of engineered sialidases from Trypanosoma rangeli for transsiallylation
Zeuner, B.; González-Delgado, I.; Holck, J.; Morales, G.; López-Muñoz, M. J.; Segura, Y.; Meyer, A. S.; Mikkelsen, J. D.
- AIMS Molecular Science, 4(2), 140-163 (2017)
- doi:10.3934/molsci.2017.2.140
Optimisation of the synthesis of high galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) from lactose with b-galactosidase from Kluyveromyces lactis
González-Delgado, I.; López-Muñoz, M. J.; Morales, G.; Segura, Y.
- International Dairy Journal, 61, 211-219 (2016)
- doi:10.1016/j.idairyj.2016.06.007
Brookite TiO2-based materials: Synthesis and photocatalytic performance in oxidation of methyl orange and As(III) in aqueous suspensions
López-Muñoz, M. J.; Revilla, A.; Alcalde, G.
- Catalysis Today, 240, 138-145 (2015)
- doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2014.05.008
Heterogeneous photocatalytic degradation of isoproturon in aqueous solution: Experimental design and intermediate products analysis
López-Muñoz, M. J.; Revilla, A.; Aguado, J.
- Catalysis Today, 209, 99-107 (2013)
- doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2012.11.017
Coupling membrane separation and photocatalytic oxidation processes for the degradation of pharmaceutical pollutants
Martínez, F.; López-Muñoz, M. J.; Aguado, J.; Melero, J. A.; Arsuaga, J.; Sotto, A.; Molina, R.; Segura, Y.; Pariente, M. I.; Revilla, A.; Cerro, L.; Carenas, G.
- Water Research, 47, 5647-5658 (2013)
- doi:10.1016/j.watres.2013.06.045
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Nanofiltration removal of pharmaceutically active compounds
López-Muñoz, M. J.; Sotto, A.; Arsuaga, J. M.
- Desalination and Water Treatment, 42, 138143 (2012)
- doi:10.1080/19443994.2012.683099
Photocatalytic removal of s-triazines: Evaluation of operational parameters
López-Muñoz, M. J.; Aguado, J.; Revilla, A.
- Catalysis Today , 161, 153-162 (2011)
- doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2010.10.076
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Influence of type and position of functional groups of phenolic compounds on NF/RO performance
Arsuaga, J. M.; Sotto, A.; López-Muñoz, M. J.; Braeken, L.
- Journal of Membrane Science, 372 (1-2), 380-386 (2011)
- doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2011.02.020
Mercury removal from aqueous solutions of HgCl2 by heterogeneous photocatalysis with TiO2
López-Muñoz, M. J.; Aguado J.; Arencibia A.; Pascual R.
- Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 104, 220-228 (2011)
- doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2011.03.029
Membrane treatment applied to aqueous solutions containing atrazine photocatalytic oxidation products
Sotto, A.; López-Muñoz, J.M.; Arsuaga, J.M.; Aguado, J.; Revilla, A.
- Desalination and Water Treatment, 21, 175-180 (2010)
- doi:10.5004/dwt.2010.1372
Sol-gel titania and titania-silica mixed oxides photocatalysis
van Grieken, R.; Aguado, J.; López-Muñoz, M. J.; Marugán, J.
- Solid State Phenomena, 162, 221-238 (2010)
- doi:10.4028/
Correlation between retention and adsorption of phenolic compounds in nanofiltration membranes
Arsuaga, J. M.; López-Muñoz, M. J.; Sotto, A.
- Desalination, 250(2), 829-832 (2010)
- doi:10.1016/j.desal.2008.11.051
Separation of phenols and their advanced oxidation intermediate products in aqueous solution by NF/RO membranes
López-Muñoz, M.J.; Arsuaga, J.M.; Sotto, A.
- Separation and Purification Technology, 71, 246-251 (2010)
- doi:10.1016/j.seppur.2009.12.004
Influence of membrane, solute and solution properties on the retention of phenolic compounds in aqueous solution by nanofiltration membranes
López-Muñoz, M. J.; Sotto, A.; Arsuaga, J. M.; Van der Bruggen, B.
- Separation and Purification Technology, 66, 194-201 (2009)
- doi:10.1016/j.seppur.2008.11.001
Simultaneous photocatalytic reduction of silver and cyanide oxidation from dicyanoargentate solutions
López-Muñoz, M. J.; Aguado, J.; van Grieken, R.; Marugán, J.
- Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 86, 53-62 (2009)
- doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2008.07.022
- Link to the Open Institutional Repository BURJC-DIGITAL
Temperature, pH and concentration effects on retention and transport of organic pollutants across thin-film composite nanofiltration membranes
Arsuaga, J.M.; López-Muñoz, M.J.; Aguado, J.; Sotto, A.
- Desalination, 221, 253-258 (2008)
Photocatalytic promoted oxidation of phenolic mixtures: An insight into the operating and mechanistic aspects
Gimeno, O.; Carbajo, M.; López, M. J.; Melero, J. A.; Beltrán, R.; Rivas, F. J.
- Water Research, 41, 4672-4684 (2007)
Photocatalytic decoloration and mineralization of dyes with nanocrystalline TiO2/SiO2 materials
Marugán, J.; López-Muñoz, M. J.; Aguado, J.; van Grieken, R.
- Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 46, 7605-7610 (2007)
- doi:10.1021/ie070093u
The influence of dissolved transition metals on the photocalatytic degradation of phenol with TiO2
López Muñoz, M. J.; Aguado, J.; Rupérez, B.
- Research Chemistry International, 33 (3-5), 377-392 (2007)
On the comparison of photocatalysts activity: A novel procedure for the measurement of titania surface in TiO2/SiO2 materials
Marugán, J.; López-Muñoz, M. J.; Aguado, J.; van Grieken, R.
- Catalysis Today, 124, 103-109 (2007)
- doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2007.03.053
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A comprehensive study of the synthesis, characterization and activity of TiO2 and TiO2/SiO2 mixed photocatalysts
Aguado, J.; van Grieken, R.; López-Muñoz, M. J.; Marugán, J.
- Applied Catalysis A: General, 312, 202-212 (2006)
- doi:10.1016/j.apcata.2006.07.003
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Fe-TiO2-pH interactions in solar degradation of imidacloprid with TiO2/SiO2 photocatalysts at pilot-plant scale.
Marugán, J.; López-Muñoz, M. J.; Gernjak, W.; Malato, S.
- Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 45, 8900-8908. (2006)
- doi:10.1021/ie061033b
Retention of phenols and carboxylic acids by nanofiltration/reverse osmosis membranes: sieving and membrane-solute interaction effects
Arsuaga, J.M.; López-Muñoz, M.J.; Sotto, A.; Rosario, G.
- Desalination, 200, 731-733 (2006)
Photonic efficiency for methanol photooxidation and hydroxyl radical generation on silica-supported TiO2 photocatalysts
Marugán, J.; Hufschmidt, D.; López-Muñoz, M. J.; Selzer, V.; Bahnemann D.
- Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 62, 201-207 (2006)
- doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2005.07.013
- Link to the Open Institutional Repository BURJC-DIGITAL
Role of the support on the activity of silica-supported TiO2 photocatalysts: structure of the TiO2/SBA-15 photocatalysts
López-Muñoz, M.J.; van Grieken, R.; Aguado, J.; Marugán, J.
- Catalysis Today, 101, 307-314 (2005)
- doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2005.03.017
- Link to the Open Institutional Repository BURJC-DIGITAL
Photocatalytic gold recovery from spent cyanide plating bath solutions
van Grieken, R.; Aguado, J.; López-Muñoz, M. J.; Marugán, J.
- Gold Bulletin, 38, 180-187 (2005)
Photocatalytic degradation of ironcyanocomplexes by TiO2 based catalysts
van Grieken, R.; Aguado, J.; López-Muñoz, M. J.; Marugán, J.
- Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 55, 195205 (2005)
- doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2004.08.008
- Link to the Open Institutional Repository BURJC-DIGITAL
Synthesis of size-controlled silica supported TiO2 photocatalysts
van Grieken, R.; Aguado, J.; López-Muñoz, M. J.; Marugán, J.
- Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 148, 315-322 (2002)
- doi:10.1016/S1010-6030(02)00058-8
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Removal of cyanides in wastewater by supported TiO2-based photocatalysts
Aguado, J.; van Grieken, R.; López-Muñoz, M.J.; Marugán, J.
- Catalysis Today, 75, 95-102 (2002)
- doi:10.1016/S0920-5861(02)00049-4
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Formation of peroxynitrite in vascular endothelial cells exposed to cyclosporine A
Navarro Antolín, J.; López-Muñoz, M.J.; Klatt, P.; Soria, J.; Michel, T.; Lamas, S.
- FASEB 15, 1291-1293 (2001)
Preparation, Characterisation and Photocatalytic Activity of Polycrystalline ZnO/TiO2 Systems. 1 Surface and Bulk Characterisation
Marcì, G.; Augugliaro, V.; López-Muñoz, M.J.; Martín, C.; Palmisano, L.; Rives, V.; Schiavello, M.; Tilley, R.J.D.; Venezia, A.M.
- Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 105, 1026-1032 (2001)
Study on the TS-1 deactivation during the styrene oxidation with H2O2
Uguina, M.A.; Serrano, D.P.; Sanz, R.; Fierro, J.L.G.; López Granados, M.; Mariscal, R.
- Catal. Today, 61:1-4: 263-270 (2000)
Morphology and surface properties of titania-silica hydrophobic xerogels
Fierro, J. L. G.; López Granados, M.; Mariscal, R.; Sotelo, J. L.; van Grieken, R.; Martos, C.
- Langmuir, 24, 9460-9467 (2000)
Quantum yield of heterogeneous photocatalytic systems. Further applications of an experimental method for determining the adsorbed photon flow
Schiavello, M.; Augugliaro, V.; Loddo, V.; López Muñoz, M.J.; Palmisano, L.
- Res. Chem. Intermed., 25, 213-227 (1999)
Photocatalytic Oxidation of Cyanides in Aqueous Titanium Dioxide Suspensions
Augugliaro, V.; Loddo, V.; Marcì, G.; Palmisano, L.; López Muñoz, M.J.
- Journal of Catalysis, 166, 272-283 (1997)
Reduction of NOx in C3H6/air mixtures over Cu/Al2O3 catalysts
Anderson, J.A.; Márquez-Alvarez, C.; López-Muñoz, M.J.; Rodríguez-Ramos, I.; Guerrero-Ruiz, A.
- Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 14, 189-202 (1997)
ESR Study of photo-oxidation of phenol at low temperature on polycrystalline titanium dioxide
López-Muñoz, M.J.; Soria, J.; Conesa, J.C.; Augugliaro, V.
- Studies in Surfaces Science and Catalysis, 82, 693-701 (1994)
Preparation of Co-doped TiO2 for Photocatalytic Degradation of NOx in Air under Visible Light
Bengtsson, N., Castellote, M., López-Muñoz, M. J., Cerro, L.
- Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 12 (1), 55-64 ()