Nagore Acha studied chemical engnireering in the University of the Basque Country, 2020. She also studied a Chemical Engineering: Process Engineering master degree from the Complutense University of Madrid (September 2020- July 2022). During her professional career she had the opportunity to work in different research centers. She worked at Novattia (Leioa, Vizcaya) as a support to the principal investigator of the project for the development of treatment processes for mine tailings. Later, she worked in BCMATERIALS (Leioa, Vizcaya) as a collaborator in the gold nanoparticles synthesis project. In 2022 she worked abroad (Concepción, Chile) in the company CIPA (Advanced Polymers Research Center) participating in different projects of the Line of Technological Valorization of Residues. She is Assistant Professor and Research in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Technology participating in a project of green hydrogen production from biomass waste fractions by autothermal reforming in membrane reactors.
Producción de hidrógeno verde de fracciones residuales de biomasa por reformado autotérmico en reactores de membrana de geometría plana
Funding : Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2020-117273RB-I00)
Start / End Years : 2021 - 2024
Principal Investigator : Carrero Fernández, Alicia y Calles Martín, José Antonio
Research Team : - Acha Uriarte, Nagore - Alique Amor, David - Calles Martín, José Antonio - Carrero Fernández, Alicia - Chirinos Chávez, Carlos Andrés - Martín Gamboa, Mario - Megía Hervás, Pedro - Vizcaíno Madridejos, Arturo J.