She studied Chemistry at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM; 2015), during which she carried out a career internship at Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Civil of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The internship focused on analysis of metals in environmental samples using atomic emission spectrometry, ICP-AESx. Subsequently, she studied a Master's degree in Calidad en los Laboratorios de Análisis Químicos, at the UCM (2016).
In 2017, she received a research grant for Determinación de contaminantes metálicos en alimentos, mediante el uso de técnicas de Plasma de Acoplamiento Inductivo-Espectrometría de Masas, at the Instituto de Salud Pública (Madrid Salud).
In 2018, she obtained a Master in Ciencia y Tecnología Química from the UNED.
During the years 2018 to 2020, she was a research assistant in the chemical sensors group of the Analytical Chemistry department of the UAM.
In September 2020, she began her doctoral thesis and currently works as a researcher in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Technology at URJC. The line of research is "El reto del sector de los plásticos: residuos como materia prima para una economía circular ".
In 2017, she received a research grant for Determinación de contaminantes metálicos en alimentos, mediante el uso de técnicas de Plasma de Acoplamiento Inductivo-Espectrometría de Masas, at the Instituto de Salud Pública (Madrid Salud).
In 2018, she obtained a Master in Ciencia y Tecnología Química from the UNED.
During the years 2018 to 2020, she was a research assistant in the chemical sensors group of the Analytical Chemistry department of the UAM.
In September 2020, she began her doctoral thesis and currently works as a researcher in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Technology at URJC. The line of research is "El reto del sector de los plásticos: residuos como materia prima para una economía circular ".
Transición hacia una economía circular de los residuos plásticos de automoción (CIRPLACAR)
Funding : Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación ()
Start / End Years : 2022 - 2024
Principal Investigator : García Muñoz, Rafael A. y van Grieken Salvador, Rafael
Research Team : - Blanco Romero, Aymara - Domínguez Vizcaya, Carlos - Expósito Espinosa, Mª Teresa - García Muñoz, Rafael A. - Juan Rodríguez, Rafael - Paredes Martínez, Beatriz - van Grieken Salvador, Rafael