Chemical and Environmental Engineering Group

Postdoctoral Researcher in the University Rey Juan Carlos. In 2010 he obtained his PhD in Chemical Engineering in the University Autonoma of Madrid. He has been working as Postdoctoral Researcher and Research Fellow in the University Autonoma of Madrid, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA, and The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
He belongs to the International Water Association (IWA), the Water Environment Federation (WEF) and the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ), where he has participated as a member in decision making and in several scientific conferences and meetings. He works as Invited Associate Editor in Frontiers In. He is active expert referee in the Spanish National Agency for Evaluation and Prospective (ANEP), and he has performed peer-to-peer reviews in many SCI-indexed scientific journals.
Up to now (Dec 2015), he has led or managed 3 research projects and has participated as researcher in 13 public and/or private projects. He has published 30 scientific papers in SCI-indexed journals and 3 book chapters. He has participated in 25 national and/or international conferences and congresses, where he presented 40 scientific communications. Currently, he is co-directing 2 PhD Thesis and he directs or has directed/co-directed 19 Bachelor or Master degree projects.

  • Proyectos de I+D para jóvenes investigadores de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos: Desarrollo de un sistema combinado fotobioelectrosintético/foto-electroquímico para la conversión de la materia orgánica de aguas residuales en productos de alto valor añadido y la eliminación de contaminantes emergentes

    Funding : Comunidad de Madrid, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (SUN-BIOELECTROMAT)
    Start / End Years : 2020 - 2021
    Principal Investigator : Puyol Santos, Daniel
    Research Team : - Puyol Santos, Daniel 

Environmental life cycle assessment of polyhydroxyalkanoates production by purple phototrophic bacteria mixed cultures

Martin-Gamboa, M., Allegue, L. D., Puyol, D., Melero, J. A., Dufour, J.

Anaerobic digestion of purple phototrophic bacteria – The release step of the Partition-Release-Recover concept

Hülsen, T.; Luc, Y.; Rodríguez, I.; Segura, Y.; Martínez, F.; Puyol, D.; Batstone D. M.

Contamination of N-poor wastewater with emerging pollutants does not affect the performance of purple phototrophic bacteria and the subsequent resource recovery potential 

de las Heras, I., Molina, R., Segura, Y., Hülsen, T., Molina, M. C., Gonzalez-Benitez, N., Melero, J. A., Mohedano, A. F.,  Martínez, F., Puyol, D.

Biodiesel and biogas production from Isochrysis galbana using dry and wet lipid extraction: A biorefinery approach

Sánchez-Bayo, A.; López-Chicarro, D.; Morales, V.; Espada, J. J. Puyol, D.; Martínez, F.; Astals, S.; Vicente, G.; Bautista, L. F.; Rodríguez, R.

Assessing the potential of purple phototrophic bacteria for the simultaneous treatment of piggery wastewater and upgrading of biogas

Marín, D.; Posadas, E.; García; D.; Daniel Puyol, D.; Lebrero, R.; Muñoz, R.

White and infrared light continuous photobioreactors for resource recovery from poultry processing wastewater - A comparison

Hülsen, T.; Hsieh, K.; Tait, S.; Barry, E. M.; Puyol, D.; Batstone D. J.

Wastewater sludges pretreated by different oxidation systems at mild conditions to promote the biogas formation in anaerobic processes.

Segura, Y.; Puyol, D.; Ballesteros, L.; Martínez, F.; Melero, J.A.

Mathematical Modelling of Anaerobic Digestion Processes: Applications and Future Needs

Batstone, D.J.; Puyol, D.; Flores-Alsina, X.; Rodriguez, J.

Elemental copper nanoparticle toxicity to different trophic groups involved in anaerobic and anoxic wastewater treatment processes

Gonzalez-Estrella, J.; Puyol, D.; Sierra-Alvarez, R.; Field, J.A.

Role of sulfide in the attenuation of ZnO and Cu0 NPs toxic effect on acetoclastic methanogens

Gonzalez-Estrella, J.; Puyol, D.; Sierra-Alvarez, R.; Field, J.A.

Comparison of bioaugmented EGSB and GAC-FBB reactors and their combination with aerobic SBR for the abatement of chlorophenols

Puyol, D.; Monsalvo, V.M.; Sanchis, S.; Sanz, J.L.; Mohedano, A.F.; Rodriguez, J.J.

Inhibition of Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation by Heavy Metals

Li, G.B.; Puyol, D.; Carvajal-Arroyo, J.M.; Sierra-Alvarez, R.; Field, J.A.

Vacuum promotes metabolic shifts and increases biogenic hydrogen production in dark fermentation systems

Rajhi, H.; Puyol, D.; Martinez, M.C.; Diaz, E.E.; Sanz, J.L.

The role of pH on the resistance of resting- and active anammox bacteria to NO2- inhibition

Carvajal-Arroyo, J. M.; Puyol, D.; Li, G.B.; Sierra-Álvarez, R.; Field, J.A.

Kinetics and thermodynamics of anaerobic ammonium oxidation process using Brocadia spp. dominated mixed cultures

Puyol, D.; Carvajal, J.M.; García, B.; Sierra-Álvarez, R.; Field, J.A.

High pH (and not free ammonia) is responsible for anammox inhibition in mildly alkaline solutions with excess of ammonium

Puyol, D.; Carvajal-Arroyo, J.M.; Fuentes-Velasco, M.; Dougless, A.; Sierra-Álvarez, R.; Field, J.A.

Starved Anammox cells are less resistant to NO2- inhibition

Carvajal-Arroyo, J.M.; Puyol, D.; Li, G.B.; Swartwout, A.; Sierra-Álvarez, R.; Field, J.A.

The intracellular proton gradient enables anaerobic ammonia oxidizing (anammox) bacteria to tolerate NO2- inhibition

Carvajal-Arroyo, J.M.; Li, G.B.; Puyol, D.; Sierra-Álvarez, R.; Field, J.A.

Pre-exposure to Nitrite in the Absence of Ammonium Strongly Inhibits Anammox

Carvajal-Arroyo, J. M.; Puyol, D.; Li, G.; Lucero-Acuña, A.; Sierra-Álvarez, R.; Field, J.A.

Nitrite (not free-nitrous acid) is the actual inhibitor of the anammox process at common pH conditions

Puyol, D.; Carvajal-Arroyo, J. M.; Sierra-Álvarez, R.; Field, J.A.
