Pre-doctoral grant and teaching assistant at UCM (1990-1998) and teaching assistant at URJC (1998-2001). Since 2001, Assistant Professor of Physical Chemistry at the URJC.
Lectures of Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Thermodynamics (B.Sc. & Ms. on Chemistry, UCM; B.Sc. & Ms. on Environmental Sciences, URJC; B.Sc. & Ms. on Chemical Engineering, URJC; Bachelor on Industrial Engineering, URJC).
Post-doctoral stay at the Kaiserslautern University (Germany, 1997), and several pre-doctoral stays at the Denmark Technique University (DTU, Denmark, 1991) and Nova de Lisboa (UNL, Portugal, 1992 and 1993).
Research interests are focus on the experimental and theoretical study of phase equilibria, the thermodynamic and characterization of fraction and crude oils, the study of scales formation and the polymer characterization.
Laboratorio de caracterización de fracciones petrolíferas y combustibles (PETROLAB)
Funding : URJC-CAM (Programa de Actividades de I+D entre Grupos de Investigación de la Comunidad de Madrid) ()
Start / End Years : 2010 - 2013
Principal Investigator : Coto García, Baudilio
Research Team : - Alcázar Martínez, Antonio - Coto García, Baudilio - Espada Sanjurjo, Juan José - Paniagua Martín, Marta - Rodríguez Escudero, Rosalía
Red Iberoamericana CYTED de hidrógeno (Hidrógeno: producción y purificación, almacenamiento y transporte-H2PPAT, Red 307RT0324).
Funding : Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo (307RT0324)
Start / End Years : 2007 - 2010
Principal Investigator : Botas Echevarría, Juan Ángel
Research Team : - Alique Amor, David - Botas Echevarría, Juan Ángel - Calleja Pardo, Guillermo - Calles Martín, José Antonio - Carrero Fernández, Alicia - Coto García, Baudilio - Dufour Andía, Javier - Ruiz Navarro, Aida - Serrano Granados, David P. - Vizcaíno Madridejos, Arturo J.
Procesos de producción de hidrógeno de bajo impacto ambiental: descomposición catalítica de metano y fotoelectrólisis del agua.
Funding : Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia ()
Start / End Years : 2007 - 2009
Principal Investigator : Calleja Pardo, Guillermo
Research Team : - Botas Echevarría, Juan Ángel - Calleja Pardo, Guillermo - Coto García, Baudilio - Dufour Andía, Javier - Gálvez Ortiz, Pilar - Martos Sánchez, Carmen - Orcajo Rincón, Gisela - Pizarro de Oro, Patricia
Nuevos materiales adsorbentes de aplicación en tecnologías energéticas, separación y almacenamiento de hidrogeno y metano.
Funding : Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia ()
Start / End Years : 2003 - 2006
Principal Investigator : Calleja Pardo, Guillermo
Research Team : - Botas Echevarría, Juan Ángel - Calleja Pardo, Guillermo - Calles Martín, José Antonio - Coto García, Baudilio - Serrano Granados, David P.
Desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de caracterización espectroscópicas de poliolefinas.
Funding : Comunidad de Madrid / Universidad Rey Juan Carlos ()
Start / End Years : 2005 - 2006
Principal Investigator : Coto García, Baudilio
Research Team : - Carrero Fernández, Alicia - Coto García, Baudilio - Escola Sáez, José María - Moreno Vozmediano, Jovita - Paredes Martínez, Beatriz - Suárez Muñoz, Inmaculada - Vicente Crespo, Gemma
Experimental data and modeling of viscosities and densities of pyrene + toluene + heptane mixtures at T = (293.15 to 343.15) K
Tenorio, M.J.; Suárez, I.; Magdaleno, J.D.; González, M.A.; Coto, B.
- Journal of Molecular Liquids 380, 121657 (2023)
- doi:10.1016/j.molliq.2023.121657
Influence on properties and phase structure of single gas-phase reactor made impact polypropylene copolymers
Pastor-García, M. T.; Suárez, I.; Expósito, M. T.; Coto B.; García-Muñoz, R. A.
- European Polymer Journal, 106, 156-168 (2018)
- doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2018.07.015
Evaluation of different methodologies to determine the n-paraffin distribution of petroleum fractions
Espada, J. J.; Fernández, S.; Velasco, L.; Coto, B.
- Fuel, 109, 470-475 (2013)
- doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2013.02.057
Effects in the solubility of CaCO3: Experimental study and model description
Coto, B.; Martos, C.; Peña, J. L.; Rodríguez, R.; Pastor, G.
- Fluid Phase Equilibria, 324, 1-7 (2012)
- doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2012.03.020
- Link to the Open Institutional Repository BURJC-DIGITAL
A New DSC-Based Method to Determine the Wax Porosity of Mixtures Precipitated from Crude Oils
Coto, B.; Martos, C. ; Espada, J. J.; Robustillo, M.D.; Merino-García, D.; Peña, J. L.
- Energy & Fuels, 25, 17071713 (2011)
- doi:10.1021/ef200206h
Assessment and improvement of n-Paraffin distribution obtained by HTGC to predict accurately crude oil cold properties
Coto, B.; Coutinho, J. A. P.; Martos, C. ; Robustillo, M.D.; Espada, J. J.; Peña, J. L.
- Energy & Fuels, 25, 11531160 (2011)
- doi:10.1021/ef101642g
Evaluation of different methodologies to determine the molecular weight of petroleum fractions
Espada, J. J.; Almendros, C.; Coto, B.
- Energy & Fuels, 25, 5076-5082 (2011)
- doi:10.1021/ef200852k
Study of New Methods To Obtain the n-Paraffin Distribution of Crude Oils and Its Application to Flow Assurance
Coto, B.; Martos, C. ; Espada, J. J.; Robustillo, M.D.; Merino-García, D.; Peña, J. L.
- Energy & Fuels, 25, 487492 (2011)
- doi:10.1021/ef100987
Molecular characterization of polypropylene heterophasic copolymers by fractionation techniques
García, R. A.; Coto, B.; Expósito, M. T.; Suarez, I.; Fernández-Fernández, A.; Caveda, S.
- Macromolecular Research, 19 (8), 778-788 (2011)
- doi:10.1007/s13233-011-0811-2
Effect of precipitation procedure and detection technique on particle size distribution of CaCO3
Martos, C,; Coto, B.; Peña, J.L.; Rodríguez, R.; Merino-Garcia D.; Pastor, G.
- Journal of Crystal Growth, 19 (312), 2756-2763 (2010)
- doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2010.06.006
Analysis of wax precipitation from crude oils by means of DSC: iterative procedure considering solid-liquid equilibrium equations.
Coto, B.; Martos, C.; Espada, J.J.; Robustillo, M.D.; Peña, J.L.
- Fuel, 2010, 89 (5), 1087-1094. (2010)
Characterization of Brazilian crude oil samples to improve the prediction of wax precipitation in flow assurance problems
Martos, C. ; Coto, B.; Espada, J. J.; Robustillo, M.D.; Peña, J. L.; Merino, D.
- Energy Fuels, 2010, 24 (4), 22212226. (2010)
Structural characterization of fuels obtained by olefin oligomerization
Rodríguez, R.; Espada Sanjurjo, J. J.; Coto, B
- Energy and Fuels, 24, 464-468 (2010)
- doi:10.1021/ef900802y
Assessment of a thermodynamic model to describe wax precipitation in flow assurance problems
Coto, B.; Martos, C.; Espada, J. J.; Robustillo, M. D.; Peña, J. L.; Gómez, S.
- Energy & Fuels, 23, 1294-1298 (2009)
- doi:10.1021/ef800621x
Experimental Determination and Characterization of Wax Fractions Precipitated as a Function of Temperature.
Martos, C.; Coto, B.; Espada, J. J.; Robustillo, M. D.; Gómez, S.; Peña, J. L.
- Energy & Fuels, 22, 708714 (2008)
Simulation of pilot-plant extraction experiments to reduce the aromatic content from lubricating oils
Espada, J. J.; Coto, B.; Moreno, J. M.; van Grieken, R.
- Chemical Engineering and Processing, 47, 13981403 (2008)
- doi:10.1016/j.cep.2007.06.012
- Link to the Open Institutional Repository BURJC-DIGITAL
Application of a generalized model to the estimation of physical properties and description of the aromatic extraction from a highly paraffinic lubricating oil
van Grieken, R.; Coto, B.; Peña, J. L.; Espada, J. J.
- Chemical Engineering Science, 63 (3), 711-720 (2008)
- doi:10.1016/j.ces.2007.10.013
- Link to the Open Institutional Repository BURJC-DIGITAL
A new method for the determination of wax precipitation from non-diluted crude oils by fractional precipitation
Coto, B.; Martos, C.; Peña, J. L.; Espada, J. J.; Robustillo, M. D.
- Fuel, 87, 2090-2094 (2008)
- doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2007.10.012
- Link to the Open Institutional Repository BURJC-DIGITAL
Synthesis and characterization of ethylene/propylene copolymers in the whole composition range
Caballero M. J.; Suarez, I.; Coto, B.; Van Grieken, R.; Monrabal, B.
- Macromolecular Symposia, 257, 122-130 (2007)
- doi:10.1002/masy.200751111
Determination of dn/dc values for ethylene-propylene copolymers
Coto, B.; Escola, J. M.; Suarez, I.; Caballero, M. J.
- Polymer Testing, 26(5), 568-575 (2007)
Liquid-liquid equilibrium in the systems furfural+light lubricating oils using UNIFAC
Espada, J. J.; Coto, B.; Peña, J. L.
- Fluid Phase Equilibria, 259 (2), 201-209 (2007)
- doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2007.06.024
- Link to the Open Institutional Repository BURJC-DIGITAL
Adsorption of hydrogen and methane mixtures on carbon cylindrical cavities
Morales-Cas, A. M.; Moya, C.; Coto, B.; Vega, L. F.; Calleja, G.
- Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111 (17), 6473-6480 (2007)
A generalized model to predict the liquid-liquid equilibrium in the systems furfural+lubricating oils
Coto, B.; van Grieken, R.; Peña, J. L.; Espada, J. J.
- Chemical Engineering Science, 61 (24), 8028-8039 (2006)
- doi:10.1016/j.ces.2006.02.009
- Link to the Open Institutional Repository BURJC-DIGITAL
A model to predict physical properties for light lubricating oils and its application to the extraction process by furfural
Coto, B.; van Grieken, R.; Peña, J. L.; Espada, J. J.
- Chemical Engineering Science, 61 (13), 4381-4392 (2006)
- doi:10.1016/j.ces.2006.02.009
- Link to the Open Institutional Repository BURJC-DIGITAL
Ethane adsorption in slip-shaped micropores: influence of molecule orientation on adsorption capacity
Calleja, G.; Coto, B.; Pinar, A.; Morales-Cas, A. M.
- Adsorption, 12, 45-54 (2006)
Adsorption energy distribution form grand canonical Monte Carlo Calculation
Calleja, G.; Coto, B.; Morales Cas, A. M.
- Applied Surface Science, 252 (12), 4345-4352 (2006)
Following the Extent of a Reaction with the Help of Maple
Suárez, I.; Coto, B.
- Journal of Chemistry Education, 83, 1726 (2006)
Prediction of Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium in the System Furfural + Heavy Neutral Distillate Lubricating Oil
van Grieken, R.; Coto, B.; Romero, E.; Espada, J. J.
- Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44 (21) (2005)
Vapor-liquid equilibria of binary systems decane + 1,1-dimethylethyl methyl ether (MTBE) and 1,1-dimethylpropyl methyl ether (TAME) at 308.25, 318.15 and 328.15 K
del Rio, A.; Coto, B.; Pando, C.; Renuncio, J.A.R.
- Fluid Phase Equilibria, 187-188, 299-310 (2001)
Vapor-Liquid Equilibria and excess properties of cyclohexane-1,1-dimethylpropyl metyel ether (TAME) mixtures
del Rio, A.; Coto, B.; Pando, C.; Renuncio, J.A.R.
- Industrial & Engineering Chemical Research, 40, 689-695 (2001)
Vapour-Liquid Equilibria for the binary system cyclohexane -1,1-dimethylethyl methyl ether (MTBE) at 298.15, 308.15 and 318.15 K
del Rio, A.; Coto, B.; Pando, C.; Renuncio, J.A.R.
- Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 1, 4995-4998 (1999)
Vapor-Liquid and Chemical Equilibria of Formaldehyde-Water Mixtures
Albert, M.; Coto, B.; Kreiter, C.; Maurer, G.
- AIChE Journal, 45(9), 2024-2033 (1999)
Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium of Binary Mixtures of n-Heptane with 1,1-Dimethylpropyl Methyl Ether and 1,1-Dimethylethyl Methyl Ether
Mössner, F.; Coto, B.; Pando, C.; Renuncio, J.A.R.
- Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 101(8), 1146-1153 (1997)