Synergetic integration of BIOtechnology and thermochemical CaTalysis for the cAscade coNvErsion of organic waste to jet-fuel (BIOCTANE)
Funding : European Commission (GA 101084336)
Start / End Years : 2022 - 2026
Principal Investigator : Melero Hernández, Juan Antonio y Morales Sánchez, Gabriel
Research Team : - Leo Llorente, Pedro - Melero Hernández, Juan Antonio - Morales Sánchez, Gabriel - Paniagua Martín, Marta - Ventura Sanchez-Hornero, MaríaShow summary:
The reduction of GHG emissions according to the Paris Agreement is particularly challenging regarding the production of green liquid fuels with a high energy density for the aviation sector (drop-in biokerosene). In this context, the BIOCTANE project aims to develop and optimize an innovative process for the conversion of organic waste materials naturally characterized by a high-water content (e.g. food-waste, organic material from the food processing industry) into carbon-neutral market-ready drop-in jet-fuels. In particular, BIOCTANE project will develop a proof of concept on the synergetic coupling of biotechnological and thermocatalytic processing routes by a disruptive and interdisciplinary strategy that will result in an efficient valorization of the organic wastes into renewable jet-fuel, maximizing the recovery of chemical energy, nutrients and carbon use. First, the complex organic waste will be converted into platform molecules (acetoin and 2,3-butanediol) by creating a breakthrough link between biotechnological processing of biowaste and hydrothermal gasification technology. Subsequently, a novel one-pot chemical process will be developed by the combination of different catalytic steps through which the platform molecules are converted to jet-fuel range hydrocarbons. Based on an extensive process flow modelling, the process efficiency and the technoeconomic requirements for full market integration as well as the environmental impact will be assessed. Best environmental performance, including recovering nutrients for reuse will be aimed for throughout the process development. Therefore, BIOCTANE will establish a novel pathway involving hybrid processes and multifunctional catalysts, contributing to implement sustainable, secure and competitive renewable energy technologies in Europe, boosting the use of advanced biofuels and with a direct impact on strategic areas like aviation transport
Producción de combustibles sostenibles de aviación a partir de la conversión de intermedios moleculares lignocelulósicos con sistemas catalíticos avanzados (SAFADCAT)
Funding : Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2021-122334OB-I00)
Start / End Years : 2022 - 2025
Principal Investigator : Melero Hernández, Juan Antonio y Morales Sánchez, Gabriel
Research Team : - Jerez Uriarte, Sara - Leo Llorente, Pedro - Martín Rengel, Antonio E. - Melero Hernández, Juan Antonio - Morales Sánchez, Gabriel - Paniagua Martín, Marta - Sanz Navarro, María - Uricochea Narváez, Natalia A. - Ventura Sanchez-Hornero, María
Bioeconomía urbana: transformación de biorresiduos en biocombustibles y bioproductos de interés industrial (BIOTRES-CM)
Funding : Comunidad de Madrid (S2018/EMT-4344)
Start / End Years : 2019 - 2024
Principal Investigator : Melero Hernández, Juan Antonio
Research Team : - Calles Martín, José Antonio - Carrero Fernández, Alicia - Cubo Contreras, Alberto - Dufour Andía, Javier - Gómez Pozuelo, Gema - López-Aguado Sánchez, Clara - Martín Gamboa, Mario - Melero Hernández, Juan Antonio - Morales Sánchez, Gabriel - Moreno Vozmediano, Jovita - Paniagua Martín, Marta - Puyol Santos, Daniel - Sanz Villanueva, Daniel - Serrano Granados, David P. - Vizcaíno Madridejos, Arturo J.Show summary:
The aim of BIO3 research program is the development of new technologies for the processing of biowastes (organic fraction of the municipal solid waste and lignocellulosic waste) into high value-added bio-based chemicals (e.g. bioplastics and organic fertilizers and bioenergy (bio-methane and bio-hydrogen) through the integration of thermochemical, chemical and biological processes in the framework of the biorefinery concept.
Valorización de biomasa mediante procesos catalíticos heterogéneos avanzados (VALBIOCAT)
Funding : Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades ()
Start / End Years : 2019 - 2021
Principal Investigator : Morales Sánchez, Gabriel y Iglesias Morán, José
Research Team : - Cubo Contreras, Alberto - Flor Sánchez, Daniel de la - García Sánchez, Beatriz - García Sánchez, Alicia - Iglesias Morán, José - Jiménez Martín, José Manuel - López-Aguado Sánchez, Clara - Morales Sánchez, Gabriel - Moreno Vozmediano, Jovita - Paniagua Martín, Marta
Proyectos de I+D para jóvenes investigadores de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos: Procesos de condensación aldólica de intermedios moleculares procedentes de la biomasa lignocelulósica para la producción de precursores de carburantes de aviación
Funding : Comunidad de Madrid, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (BIOCAVI)
Start / End Years : 2020 - 2021
Principal Investigator : Paniagua Martín, Marta
Research Team : - Paniagua Martín, Marta
Sistemas catalíticos avanzados para la transformación sostenible de biomasa celulósica en bio-productos de alto valor añadido
Funding : Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ()
Start / End Years : 2015 - 2018
Principal Investigator : Melero Hernández, Juan Antonio y Dufour Andía, Javier
Research Team : - Dufour Andía, Javier - Espada Sanjurjo, Juan José - Iglesias Morán, José - Melero Hernández, Juan Antonio - Morales Sánchez, Gabriel - Moreno Vozmediano, Jovita - Paniagua Martín, Marta
Producción de combustibles limpios para transporte a partir de residuos agro-forestales (RESTOENE-2)
Funding : Comunidad de Madrid. Programa de Actividades de I+D entre Grupos de Investigación en Tecnologías 2013 (S2013/MAE-2882)
Start / End Years : 2014 - 2018
Principal Investigator : Melero Hernández, Juan Antonio
Research Team : - Calles Martín, José Antonio - Carrero Fernández, Alicia - Cubo Contreras, Alberto - Dufour Andía, Javier - Espada Sanjurjo, Juan José - García Moreno, Lourdes - Martínez del Monte, Daniel - Megía Hervás, Pedro - Melero Hernández, Juan Antonio - Moreno Vozmediano, Jovita - Paniagua Martín, Marta - Vizcaíno Madridejos, Arturo J.
Diseño de procesos y nuevos catalizadores para la producción sostenible de biocarburantes oxigenados de elevada densidad energética a partir de biomasa lignocelulosica.
Funding : Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (CTQ2011-28216-C02-01)
Start / End Years : 2012 - 2014
Principal Investigator : Melero Hernández, Juan Antonio
Research Team : - Bautista Santa Cruz, Luis Fernando - Iglesias Morán, José - Melero Hernández, Juan Antonio - Morales Sánchez, Gabriel - Paniagua Martín, Marta - Sánchez Vázquez, Rebeca
Laboratorio de caracterización de fracciones petrolíferas y combustibles (PETROLAB)
Funding : URJC-CAM (Programa de Actividades de I+D entre Grupos de Investigación de la Comunidad de Madrid) ()
Start / End Years : 2010 - 2013
Principal Investigator : Coto García, Baudilio
Research Team : - Alcázar Martínez, Antonio - Coto García, Baudilio - Espada Sanjurjo, Juan José - Paniagua Martín, Marta - Rodríguez Escudero, Rosalía
Intensificación del proceso de producción de biodiésel mediante el diseño de catalizadores ácidos heterogéneos.
Funding : Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia ()
Start / End Years : 2009 - 2011
Principal Investigator : Melero Hernández, Juan Antonio
Research Team : - Bautista Santa Cruz, Luis Fernando - Iglesias Morán, José - Melero Hernández, Juan Antonio - Morales Sánchez, Gabriel - Paniagua Martín, Marta - Sánchez Vázquez, Rebeca - Vicente Crespo, Gemma
Sulfonic mesostructured SBA-15 silicas for the Solvent-Free production of Bio-Jet fuel precursors via aldol dimerization of levulinic acid
Paniagua, M.; Cuevas, F.; Morales, G.; Melero, J. A.
- ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 9, 5952-5962 (2021)
- doi:10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c00378
Understanding the role of Al/Zr ratio in Zr-Al-Beta zeolite: Towards the onepot production of GVL from glucose.
Paniagua, M.; Morales, G.; Melero, J. A.; Iglesias, J.; López-Aguado, C.; Vidal, N.; Mariscal, R.; López-Granados, M.; Martínez-Salazar, I.
- Catalysis Today, 367, 228-238 (2021)
- doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2020.04.025
Stable continuous production of -Valerolactone frombiomass-derived Levulinic Acid over ZrAl-Beta zeolite catalyst
López-Aguado, C.; Paniagua, M.; Melero, J. A.; Iglesias, J.; Juárez, P.; López Granados, M.; Morales, G.
- Catalysts, 10, 678 (2020)
- doi:10.3390/catal10060678
Glycerol valorization: conversion to lactic acid by heterogeneous catalysis and separation by ion exchange chromatography
Arcanjo, M. R. A.; da Silva Jr, I. J.; Cavalcante Jr, C. L.; Iglesias, J.; Morales, J.; Paniagua, M.; Melero, J. A.; Vieira, R. S.
- Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 14, 357-370 (2020)
- doi:10.1002/bbb.2055
From levulinic acid biorefineries to ?-valerolactone (GVL) using a bi-functional Zr-Al- Beta catalyst
Morales, G.; Melero, J. A.; Iglesias, J.; Paniagua, M.; López-Aguado, C.
- Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 4, 1834 - 1843 (2019)
- doi:10.1039/c9re00117d
Rational Optimization of Reaction Conditions for the One-Pot Transformation of Furfural to ?-Valerolactone over ZrAl-Beta Zeolite: Toward the Efficient Utilization of Biomass
Melero, J. A.; Morales, G.; Iglesias, J.; Paniagua, M.; López-Aguado, C.
- Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research, 57 (34), 11592-11599 (2019)
- doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.8b02475
ZrO2-SBA-15 catalysts for the one-pot cascade synthesis of GVL from furfural
Iglesias, J.; Melero, J. A.; Morales, G.; Paniagua, M.; Hernández, B.; Osatiashtiani, A.; Lee, A. F.; Wilson, K.
- Catalysis Science & Technology, 8 (17), 4485-4493 (2018)
- doi:10.1039/c8cy01121d
Zr-USY zeolite: Efficient catalyst for the transformation of xylose into bio-products
López-Aguado, C.; Paniagua, M.; Iglesias, J.; Morales, G.; García-Fierro, J. L.; Melero, J. A.
- Catalysis Today, 304, 80-88 (2018)
- doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2017.08.031
Efficient production of 5-ethoxymethylfurfural from fructose by sulfonic mesostructured silica using DMSO as co-solvent
Morales, G.; Paniagua, M.; Melero, J. A.; Iglesias, J.
- Catalysis Today, 279 (2), 305-316 (2017)
- doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2016.02.016
Efficient one-pot production of ?-valerolactone from xylose over Zr-Al-Beta zeolite: rational optimization of catalyst synthesis and reaction conditions
Melero, J. A.; Morales, G.; Iglesias, J.; Paniagua, M.; López-Aguado, C.; Wilson, K.; Osatiashtiani, A.
- Green Chemistry, 19, 5114-5121 (2017)
- doi:10.1039/c7gc019698f
Catalytic upgrading of furfuryl alcohol to bio-products: Catalysts screening and kinetic analysis
Paniagua, M.; Melero, J. A.; Iglesias, J.; Morales, G.; Hernández, B.; López-Aguado, C.
- Applied Catalysis A: General, 537, 74-82 (2017)
- doi:10.1016/j.apcata.2017.03.004
Efficient production of Triacetin from Glycerol over Arenesulfonic acid-modified SBA-15 catalyst
Morales, G.; Paniagua, M.; Melero, J. A.; Vicente, G.
- Chemical Engineering, 1, 36-42 (2016)
One-pot cascade transformation of xylose into ?-valerolactone (GVL) over bifunctional BrønstedLewis ZrAl-beta zeolite
Hernández, B.; Iglesias, J.; Morales, G.; Paniagua, M.; López-Aguado, C.; García Fierro, J. L.; Wolf, P.; Hermans, I.; Melero, J. A.
- Green Chemistry, 18, 5777-5781 (2016)
- doi:10.1039/c6gc01888b
Dehydration of Xylose to Furfural in alcohol media in the presence of solid acid catalysts
Iglesias, J.; Melero, J. A.; Morales, G.; Paniagua, M.; Hernández, B.
- ChemCatChem, 8, 2089-2099 (2016)
- doi:10.1002/cctc.201600292
Zr-SBA-15 Lewis acid catalyst: Activity in Meerwein Ponndorf Verley reduction
Iglesias, J.; Melero, J. A.; Morales, G.; Moreno, J.; Segura, Y.; Paniagua, M.; Cambra, A.; Hernández, B.
- Catalysts, 5, 1911-1927 (2015)
- doi:10.3390/catal5041911
Xylose Isomerization with Zeolites in a Two-Step AlcoholWater Process
Paniagua, M.; Saravanamurugan, S.; Melian-Rodriguez, M.; Melero, J. A.; Riisager, A.
- ChemSusChem, 1088-1094 (2015)
- doi:10.1002/cssc.201402965
Conformal sulfated zirconia monolayer catalysts for the one-pot synthesis of ethyl levulinate from glucose
Morales, G.; Osatiashtiani, A.; Hernández, B.; Iglesias, J.; Melero, J. A.; Paniagua, M.; Brown, D. R.; Granollers, M.; Lee, A. F.; Wilson, K.
- Chem. Commun., 50, 11742-11745 (2014)
- doi:10.1039/c4cc04594g
Advanced biofuels from lignocellulosic biomass
Morales, G.; Melero, J. A.; Iglesias, J.; Paniagua, M.
- Journal of Advanced Chemical Engineering, 4(1), 1-3 (open access journal) (2014)
- doi:10.4172/2090-4568.1000e101
Sulfonic acid heterogeneous catalysts for dehydration of C6-monosaccharides to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in dimethyl sulfoxide
Morales, G.; Melero, J. A.; Paniagua, M.; Iglesias, J.; Hernández, B.; Sanz, M.
- Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 35, 696-707 (2014)
- doi:10.1016/S1872-2067(14)60020-6
- Link to the Open Institutional Repository BURJC-DIGITAL
Tigh control of cellulose depolymeration towards glucose in organic electrolyte solutions
Iglesias, J.; Melero, J. A.; Paniagua, M.; Andreola, M. T.; Barrgán, E.
- Biomass and Bioenergy, 62, 158-165 (2014)
- doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2014.01.003
- Link to the Open Institutional Repository BURJC-DIGITAL
Efficient isomerization of glucose to fructuse over zeolites in consecutive reactions in alcohol and aqueous media
Saravanamurugan, S.; Paniagua, M.; Melero, J. A.; Riisager, A.
- Journal of the American Chemistry Society, 135, 5246-5249 (2013)
- doi:10.1021/ja400097f
Efficient conversion of levulinic acid into alkyl levulinates catalyzed by sulfonic mesostructured silicas
Melero, J. A.; Morales, G.; Iglesias, J.; Paniagua, M.; Hernández, B.; Penedo, S.
- Applied Catalysis A: General, 466, 116-122 (2013)
- doi:10.1316/j.apcata.2013.06.035
- Link to the Open Institutional Repository BURJC-DIGITAL
Etherification of biodiesel-derived glycerol with ethanol for fuel formulation over sulfonic modified catalysts
Melero, J. A.; Vicente, G.; Paniagua, M.; Morales, G.; Muñoz, P.
- Bioresource Technology, 103, 141-151 (2011)
- doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2011.09.105
- Link to the Open Institutional Repository BURJC-DIGITAL
Sulfonic Acid-Functionalized Catalysts for the Valorization of Glycerol via Transesterification with Methyl Acetate
Morales, G.; Paniagua, M.; Melero, J. A.; Vicente, G.; Ochoa, C.
- Industrial & Engineering Chemical Research, 50, 58985906 (2011)
- doi:10.1021/ie102357c
Oxygenated compounds derived from glycerol for biodiesel formulation: Influence on EN 14214 quality parameters
Melero, J. A.; Vicente G.; Morales, G.; Paniagua, M.; Bustamante, J.
- Fuel, 89, 2011-2018 (2010)
- doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2010.03.042
- Link to the Open Institutional Repository BURJC-DIGITAL
Acetalisation of bio-glycerol with acetone to produce solketal over sulfonic mesostructured silicas
Vicente, G.; Melero, J. A.; Morales, G.; Paniagua, M.; Martín E.
- Green Chemistry, 12, 899-907 (2010)
- doi:10.1039/b923681c
Acid-catalyzed etherification of bio-glycerol and isobutylene over sulfonic mesostructured silicas
Melero, J. A.; Vicente, G.; Morales, G.; Paniagua, M.; Moreno, J. M.; Roldán, R.; Ezquerro, A.; Pérez, C.
- Applied Catalysis A: General, 346 (1-2), 44-51 (2008)
- doi:10.1016/j.apcata.2008.04.041
- Link to the Open Institutional Repository BURJC-DIGITAL
Acidic mesoporous silica for the acetylation of glycerol: Synthesis of bioadditives to petrol fuel
Melero, J. A.; van Grieken, R.; Morales, G.; Paniagua, M.
- Energy & Fuels, 21, 1782-1791 (2007)