Grupo de Ingeniería Química y Ambiental

José Iglesias es Ingeniero Químico por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1999) y Doctor Ingeniero Químico por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (2005). Su trayectoria docente se ha desarrollado íntegramente en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos bajo las figuras de Profesor Asociado (2000-2008) con vinculación al Departamento de Tecnología Química y Ambiental y Profesor Contratado Doctor (Actualmente) vinculado al Departamento de Tecnología Química y Energética. Por lo que respecta a su trayectoria investigadora, ha sido investigador visitante de University of Cambridge – Department of Chemistry (2003, Inglaterra, UK), bajo la supervisión de los profesores B.F.G. Johnson y Sir John M. Thomas y en University of Glasgow – Department of Chemistry (2006, Escocia, UK) bajo la supervisión del profesor David Jackson a través del programa WestChem. Sus líneas de investigación se centran en la síntesis, preparación y caracterización de materiales zeolíticos mesoestructurados y su aplicación en diferentes áreas como oxidación selectiva (epoxidación, oxidación de carbonos primarios, Baeyer-Villiger), transesterificación para la síntesis de biodiesel y producción de compuestos de base y, más recientemente, la valorización de glicerina obtenida en la producción de biocombustibles.

  • Novel lignocellulose fractionation process for high purity lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose valorisation into added value products (Fraction)
    Entidad Financiadora : Comisión Europea ()
    Periodo de Ejecución : 2021 - 2024
    URL :
    Investigador Principal : Iglesias Morán, José
    Equipo Investigador : - Blanco Cejas, Jorge - El Morabet Hichou, Ferdaus - García Sánchez, Alicia - García Sánchez, Beatriz - Iglesias Morán, José - Jiménez Martín, José Manuel - Linares Serrano, María - Moreno Vozmediano, Jovita 
      Mostrar resumen: El proyecto FRACTION ( ofrece una serie de impactos que contribuirán a los objetivos más amplios de BBI JU. Estos incluyen: (i) Crear cinco nuevas interconexiones en la economía de base biológica, a saber, entre los proveedores de materias primas (agroalimentación, silvicultura y pulpa y papel) y las bioindustrias, así como tres entre las bioindustrias y los usuarios finales de la construcción de base biológica. (ii) Establecer 14 nuevas cadenas de valor de base biológica, mediante la creación de una nueva materia prima, siete nuevas tecnologías de fraccionamiento y conversión y seis nuevos productos finales. (iii) Validación de seis componentes químicos básicos derivados de la lignina y la hemicelulosa. (iv) Validar los avances en los niveles de preparación de diversas tecnologías. Estos estarán en el organosolv GLV, de TRL3 a TRL5. También avanzará en las innovaciones posteriores para sintetizar componentes químicos básicos, y los productos finales se toman principalmente de TRL3 a TRL4.

Isomerization of Hemicellulose Aldoses to Ketoses Catalyzed by Basic Anion Resins: Catalyst Screening and Stability Studies

El Tawil Lucas, M.; Montaña, M.; Macías-Villasevil, M.; Moreno J.; Iglesias, J.

Understanding the role of Al/Zr ratio in Zr-Al-Beta zeolite: Towards the onepot production of GVL from glucose.

Paniagua, M.; Morales, G.; Melero, J. A.; Iglesias, J.; López-Aguado, C.; Vidal, N.; Mariscal, R.; López-Granados, M.; Martínez-Salazar, I.

Sustainable catalytic conversion of biomass for the production of biofuels and bioproducts

Morales, G.; Iglesias, J.; Melero, J. A.

Oxidation of lignocellulosic platform molecules to value-added chemicals using heterogeneous catalytic technologies

Arias, P. L.; Cecilia, J. A.; Gandarias, I.; Iglesias, J.; López Granados, M.; Mariscal, R.; Morales, G.; Moreno-Tost, R.; Maireles-Torres, P.

Comparative life cycle assessment of glucose production from maize starch and woody biomass residues as a feedstock

Blanco, J.; Iglesias, J.; Morales, G.; Melero, J. A.; Moreno, J.

Stable continuous production of -Valerolactone frombiomass-derived Levulinic Acid over Zr–Al-Beta zeolite catalyst

López-Aguado, C.; Paniagua, M.; Melero, J. A.; Iglesias, J.; Juárez, P.; López Granados, M.; Morales, G.

Production of sorbitol via catalytic transfer hydrogenation of glucose

García, B.; Moreno, J.; Morales, G.; Melero, J. A.; Iglesias, J.

Life-cycle sustainability of biomass-derived sorbitol: Proposing technological alternatives for improving the environmental profile of a bio-refinery platform molecule

Moreno, J.; Iglesias, J.; Blanco, J.; Montero, M.; Morales, G.; Melero, J. A.

Ru-ZrO2-SBA-15 as efficient and robust catalyst for the aqueous phase hydrogenation of glucose to sorbitol

Melero, J. A.; Moreno, J.; Iglesias, J.; Morales, G.; Fierro, J. L. G.; Sánchez-Vázquez, R.; Cubo, A.; García, B.

Glycerol valorization: conversion to lactic acid by heterogeneous catalysis and separation by ion exchange chromatography

Arcanjo, M. R. A.; da Silva Jr, I. J.; Cavalcante Jr, C. L.; Iglesias, J.; Morales, J.; Paniagua, M.; Melero, J. A.; Vieira, R. S.

Rational Optimization of Reaction Conditions for the One-Pot Transformation of Furfural to ?-Valerolactone over Zr–Al-Beta Zeolite: Toward the Efficient Utilization of Biomass

Melero, J. A.; Morales, G.; Iglesias, J.; Paniagua, M.; López-Aguado, C.

Transformation of glucose into sorbitol on Raney nickel catalysts in the absence of molecular hydrogen: sugar disproportionation vs catalytic hydrogen transfer

García, B.; Moreno, J.; Iglesias, J.; Melero, J. A.; Morales, G.

Sn–Al-USY for the valorization of glucose to methyl lactate: switching from hydrolytic to retro-aldol activity by alkaline ion exchange

Iglesias, J.; Moreno, J.; Morales, G.; Melero, J. A.; Juárez, P.; López-Granados, M.; Mariscal, R.; Martínez-Salazar, I.

From levulinic acid biorefineries to ?-valerolactone (GVL) using a bi-functional Zr-Al- Beta catalyst

Morales, G.; Melero, J. A.; Iglesias, J.; Paniagua, M.; López-Aguado, C.

Transformation of Glucose into Sorbitol on Raney Nickel catalysts in the absence of molecular hydrogen: Sugar disproportionation vs catalytic hydrogen transfer

García, B.; Moreno, J.; Iglesias, J.; Melero, J. A.; Morales, G.

Zr-USY zeolite: Efficient catalyst for the transformation of xylose into bio-products

López-Aguado, C.; Paniagua, M.; Iglesias, J.; Morales, G.; García-Fierro, J. L.; Melero, J. A.

ZrO2-SBA-15 catalysts for the one-pot cascade synthesis of GVL from furfural

Iglesias, J.; Melero, J. A.; Morales, G.; Paniagua, M.; Hernández, B.; Osatiashtiani, A.; Lee, A. F.; Wilson, K.

Progress in the design of zeolite catalysts for biomass conversion into biofuels and bio-based chemicals

Serrano, D.P.; Melero, J.A.; Morales, G.; Iglesias, J. ; Pizarro, P.

Catalytic upgrading of furfuryl alcohol to bio-products: Catalysts screening and kinetic analysis

Paniagua, M.; Melero, J. A.; Iglesias, J.; Morales, G.; Hernández, B.; López-Aguado, C.

Efficient one-pot production of ?-valerolactone from xylose over Zr-Al-Beta zeolite: rational optimization of catalyst synthesis and reaction conditions

Melero, J. A.; Morales, G.; Iglesias, J.; Paniagua, M.; López-Aguado, C.; Wilson, K.; Osatiashtiani, A.

Dehydration of sorbitol to isosorbide in melted phase with propyl-sulfonic functionalized SBA-15: Influence of catalyst hydrophobization

Cubo, A.; Iglesias, J.; Morales, G.; Melero, J. A.; Moreno, J.; Sánchez-Vázquez, R.

Efficient production of 5-ethoxymethylfurfural from fructose by sulfonic mesostructured silica using DMSO as co-solvent

Morales, G.; Paniagua, M.; Melero, J. A.; Iglesias, J.

Isosorbide production from sorbitol over heterogeneous acid catalysts: Screening and kinetic study

Morales, G.; Iglesias, J.; Melero, J. A.; Moreno, J.; Sánchez-Vázquez, R.; Peral, A.; Cubo, A.

Biological removal of pharmaceutical compounds using white-rot fungi with concomitant FAME production of the residual biomass

Vasiliadou, I. A.; Sánchez-Vázquez, R.; Molina, R.; Martínez, F.; Melero, J. A.; Bautista, L. F.; Iglesias, J.; Morales, G.

Dehydration of Xylose to Furfural in alcohol media in the presence of solid acid catalysts

Iglesias, J.; Melero, J. A.; Morales, G.; Paniagua, M.; Hernández, B.

One-pot cascade transformation of xylose into ?-valerolactone (GVL) over bifunctional Brønsted–Lewis Zr–Al-beta zeolite

Hernández, B.; Iglesias, J.; Morales, G.; Paniagua, M.; López-Aguado, C.; García Fierro, J. L.; Wolf, P.; Hermans, I.; Melero, J. A.

Zr-SBA-15 Lewis acid catalyst: Activity in Meerwein Ponndorf Verley reduction

Iglesias, J.; Melero, J. A.; Morales, G.; Moreno, J.; Segura, Y.; Paniagua, M.; Cambra, A.; Hernández, B.

Municipal sewage sludge to biodiesel by simultaneous extraction and conversion of lipids

Melero, J. A.; Sánchez-Vázquez, R.; Vasiliadou, I. A.; Martínez Castillejo, F.; Bautista, L. F.; Iglesias, J.; Morales, G.; Molina, R.

Acid-catalyzed production of biodiesel over arenesulfonic SBA-15: Insights into the role of water in the reaction network

Melero, J. A.; Bautista, L. F.; Morales, G.; Iglesias, J.; Sánchez-Vázquez, R.

New insights in the deactivation of sulfonic modified SBA-15 catalysts for biodiesel production from low-grade oleaginous feedstock

Melero, J. A.; Bautista, L. F.; Iglesias, J.; Morales, G.; Sánchez-Vázquez, R.; Wilson, K.; Lee, A.

Conformal sulfated zirconia monolayer catalysts for the one-pot synthesis of ethyl levulinate from glucose

Morales, G.; Osatiashtiani, A.; Hernández, B.; Iglesias, J.; Melero, J. A.; Paniagua, M.; Brown, D. R.; Granollers, M.; Lee, A. F.; Wilson, K.

Continuous production of biodiesel from low grade feedstock in presence of Zr-SBA-15: Catalyst performance and resistance against deactivation

Iglesias, J.; Melero, J. A.; Bautista, L. F.; Morales, G.; Sánchez-Vázquez, R.

Advanced biofuels from lignocellulosic biomass

Morales, G.; Melero, J. A.; Iglesias, J.; Paniagua, M.

Sulfonic acid heterogeneous catalysts for dehydration of C6-monosaccharides to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in dimethyl sulfoxide

Morales, G.; Melero, J. A.; Paniagua, M.; Iglesias, J.; Hernández, B.; Sanz, M.

Tigh control of cellulose depolymeration towards glucose in organic electrolyte solutions

Iglesias, J.; Melero, J. A.; Paniagua, M.; Andreola, M. T.; Barrgán, E.

Production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil in a continuous packed bed reactor with an agglomerated Zr-SBA-15/bentonite catalyst

Melero, J. A.; Bautista, L. F.; Iglesias, J.; Morales, G.; Sánchez-Vázquez, R.

Efficient conversion of levulinic acid into alkyl levulinates catalyzed by sulfonic mesostructured silicas

Melero, J. A.; Morales, G.; Iglesias, J.; Paniagua, M.; Hernández, B.; Penedo, S.

Zr-containing hybrid organic-inorganic mesoporous materials: hydrophobic acid catalysts for biodiesel production

Sánchez-Vázquez, R.; Pirez, C.; Iglesias, J.; Wilson, K.; Lee, A. F.; Melero, J. A.

Biomass as renewable feedstock in standard refinery units. Feasibility, opportunities and challenges

Melero, J. A.; Iglesias, J.; García, A.

Zr-SBA-15 acid catalyst: Optimization of the synthesis and reaction conditions for biodiesel production from low-grade oils and fats

Melero, J. A.; Bautista, L. F.; Iglesias, J.; Morales, G.; Sánchez-Vázquez, R.

Maximizing the accessibility of active species in weakly acidic Zr-SBA-15 materials

Iglesias, J.; Gracia, M. D.; Luque, R.; Romero, A. A.; Melero, J. A.

Low-grade oils and fats: effect of several impurities on biodiesel production over sulfonic acid heterogeneous catalysts

Morales, G.; Bautista, L.F.; Melero, J.A.; Iglesias, J.; Sánchez-Vázquez, R.

Zr-SBA-15 as an efficient acid catalyst for FAME production from crude palm oil

Iglesias, J.; Melero, J. A.; Bautista, L. F.; Morales, G.; Sánchez-Vázquez, R.; Andreola, M. T.; Lizarraga-Fernández, A.

Synthesis and characterisation of (hydroxypropyl)-2-aminomethyl pyridine containing hybrid polymer-silica SBA-15 materials supporting Mo(VI) centres and their use as heterogeneous catalysts for oct-1-ene epoxidation

Moreno, J.; Iglesias, J.; Melero, J. A.; Sherrington, D. C.

Highly Ti-loaded MCM-41: Effect of the metal precursor and loading on the titanium distribution and on the catalytic activity in different oxidation processes

Iglesias, J.; Melero, J. A.; Sánchez-Sánchez, M.

Modification of chiral dimethyl tartrate through transesterification: Immobilization on POSS and enantioselectivity reversal in Sharpless asymmetric epoxidation

García, R. A.; van Grieken, R.; Iglesias, J.; Sherrington, D. C.; Gibson, C. L.

Biodiesel production over arenesulfonic acid-modified mesostructured catalysts: Optimization of reaction parameters using response surface methodology

Melero, J. A.; Bautista, L. F.; Iglesias, J.; Morales, G.; Sánchez-Vázquez, R.

Synthesis and characterization of SBA-15 materials functionalized with olefinic groups and subsequent modification through oxidation procedures

van Grieken, R.; Iglesias, J.; Morales, V.; García, R. A.

Biodiesel production from crude palm oil using sulfonic acid-modified mesostructured catalysts

Melero, J. A.; Bautista, L. F.; Morales, G.; Iglesias, J.; Sánchez-Vázquez, R.

Heterogeneous acid catalysts for biodiesel production: current status and future challenges

Melero, J. A.; Iglesias, J.; Morales, G.

Biodiesel production with heterogeneous sulfonic acid-functionalized mesostructured catalysts

Melero, J. A.; Bautista, L. F.; Morales, G.; Iglesias, J.; Briones, D.

Synthesis of Sn-silicalite from hydrothermal conversion of SiO2-SnO2 xerogels

van Grieken, R.; Martos, C.; Sánchez-Sánchez, M.; Serrano, D. P.; Melero, J. A.; Iglesias, J.; Cubero, A. G.

Synthesis of chiral periodic mesoporous silicas incorporating tartrate derivatives in the framework and their use in asymmetric sulfoxidation

García, R. A.; van Grieken, R.; Iglesias, J.; Morales, V.; Gordillo, D.

Direct synthesis of organically modified Ti-SBA-15 materials

Iglesias, J.; Melero, J. A.; Sainz-Pardo, J.

Agglomeration of Ti-SBA-15 with clays for liquid phase olefin epoxidation in a continuous fixed bed reactor

Melero, J. A.; Iglesias, J.; Sainz-Pardo, J.; de Frutos, P.; Blázquez, S.

Synthesis and catalytic activity of organic-inorganic hybrid Ti-SBA-15 materials

Melero, J. A.; Iglesias, J.; Arsuaga, J.M.; Sáinz-Pardo, J.; de Frutos, P.; Blázquez, S.

Synthesis of titanium containing periodic mesoporous organosilica

Melero, J. A.; Iglesias, J.; Sáinz-Pardo, J.; Arsuaga, J. M.

Novel titanocente-tartrate complexes as catalysts for the asymmetric epoxidation of allylic alcohols

van Grieken, R.; García, R. A.; Calleja, G.; Iglesias, J.

Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of highly dispersed Mo-SBA-15

Melero, J. A.; Iglesias, J.; Arsuaga, J. M.; Sainz-Pardo, J.; de Frutos, P.; Blázquez, S.

Direct Synthesis and post-oxidation of SBA-15 and MCM-41 functionalized with butenyl groups

García, R.A.; van Grieken, R.; Iglesias, J.; Morales, V.; Martín, J.

Direct synthesis of titanium-substituted mesostructured materials using non-ionic surfactants and titanocene dichloride

Melero, J. A.; Arsuaga, J. M.; de Frutos, P.; Iglesias, J.; Sainz, J.; Blázquez, S.

Supercritical fluid extraction of a nonionic surfactant template from SBA-15 materials and consequences on the porous structure

van Grieken, R.; Calleja, G.; Stucky, G. D.; Melero, J. A.; García, R. A.; Iglesias, J.

Preparation of titanium molecular species supported on mesostructured silica by different grafting methods

Calleja, G.; van Grieken, R.; García, R.; Melero, J. A.; Iglesias, J.
