Grupo de Ingeniería Química y Ambiental

Effect of the precursor on the activity of high temperature water gas shift catalysts

Dufour, J.; Martos, C.; Ruiz, A.; Ayuela, F. J.

Synthesis of Fe3O4-based catalysts for the high-temperature water gas shift reaction

Martos, C.; Dufour, J.; Ruiz, A.

Acrylate and propoxy-groups: contributors to deactivation of Au/TiO2 in the epoxidation of propene

Ruiz, A.; van der Linden, B.; Makkee, M.; Mul, G.

Performance of Fe-Cr based WGS catalysts prepared by co-precipitation and oxi-precipitation methods

Maroño, M.; Ruiz, E.; Sánchez, J. M.; Martos, C.; Dufour, J.; Ruiz, A.
